Thursday, April 28, 2011

Settling In

So it is day two of living in London and I'm starting to feel a little more confidant, that is probably completely unjustified considering the amount of time I have spent here, but nevertheless that's how I feel.  Today we had our first classes for the courses we will be taking while we are here.  We had our Theater class first and then our Shakespeare class.  In both classes we were introduced to the curriculum and given some assignments.  Homework ALREADY! In Shakespeare we discussed the Tempest (which we had already read before class per request) and we dissected it in detail.  Our classes are held in the LDS church just down our street, it is about a fifteen minute walk so not too bad.  After class we went back to the flats and dropped off our things and then went to the grocery store.  Attempt #1 at going to the store last night was kind of a flop.  We went to a store called WaitRose and it was massively expensive...granted that things are just a lot more expensive here anyway, but needless to say I didn't really get anything there. So today we went to a store called Sainsbury, and it was a little better.  Food is still exorbitantly pricey so I didn't get much, just some vegetables and lunch meat.  We have amazing produce in the US I'm realizing, it is super cheap and good quality for the most part.  Then after that we came home and ate something, and I bought my ticket for Spain. Yes, Spain.  that is where I have decided to go for the travel weekend.  I may regret it financially, but the ticket is now bought so I'm going.  The ticket round trip to Spain and back was only 60 American dollars and I wanted to go so badly.  But that was money that I really shouldn't have spent, especially because I got invited to go to Les Miserables tonight but had to refuse because I couldn't afford it.  I haven't ever seen Les Miserables which is a crime for a theater major, but hopefully I will be able to go sometime.  So instead of going to Les Mis with everyone else I walked around Hyde park for a couple hours, it is huge!! There were several different ponds, and lots of monuments.  I went with Ellie Capson from my group and another girl named Lauren.  It was a fun exploring trip, and after that we tried to go to institute at the church because I had read a thing that said it was held Thursday nights and I thought that might be a good chance to meet some British kids.  But Institute was cancelled tonight but there were a couple girls who had met there to do yoga, and we talked to them for a while.  They invited us to go to the singles ward FHE and I think I might go if there is nothing else scheduled for the program.  Then after that Ellie, Lauren and I walked about our neighborhood and explored more.  There are SO many little shops, restaurants and cafes.  We ate in one little Italian restaurant, and the waiter was really Italian, could barely speak English actually.  I just ordered the cheapest thing on the menu which was cream of spinach soup, and it wasn't that bad, it wasn't that good either though.  Even though it was only 3 pounds I regret it, 3 pounds is almost 6 dollars! I must not let myself eat out anymore if I want to have a prayer of getting through this whole trip with enough money. Can you tell I'm a little stressed out about that? haha But it really is amazing here and I'm having a fabulous time so far.  I'll update more tomorrow (which is the royal wedding by the way!)


  1. See? I told you you would adjust quickly and it would start feeling normal. The kids will have fun hearing this in the morning. :)

  2. WOOOOOOT!!!! I loved Spain! You will have so much fuuuuun!!!! Yay! I'm so glad you are having fun!

    (You should turn off the comment verification word-- it's a pain.)

  3. Ellie Capson! Is it the Ellie Capson from Concord, California? If so, we know her parents from our old ward. Glad you are having a good time, Kates! Love, G-ma and G-pa
